Ph.D., Economics, George Mason University
M.A., Economics, George Mason University
M.Ed., Education, Endicott College
B.A., Liberal Arts, St. John’s College, Santa Fe
Andrew Humphries’ research relates variously to the political economy of liberal education and dialogue, the ethical and institutional foundations of liberalism and self-government, and to the political economy of Adam Smith, F.A. Hayek, and Vincent and Elinor Ostrom. His research agenda explores the political economy of educating the skills and dispositions that enable us to engage in democratic politics—those areas of life characterized by collective action problems, public goods, and externalities, among equals. He tries to flesh out a more humane understanding of human agents and political economy interactions that appreciates but transcends the kinds of rational choice that can be captured in traditional mathematical modeling. He wrote his dissertation on aspects of the political economy of Adam Smith and Alexis de Tocqueville.
Recent Courses
Humphries, A. G. (2026 Forthcoming). Education for Flourishing: Factory Schools or Communities of Free and Self-Governing Individuals? Social Philosophy & Policy, 43 (1)
Humphries, R. D., & Humphries, A. G. (2021). Isabel Paterson (1886–1961). In The Essential Women of Liberty (pp. 39–49). essay, Fraser Institute, 39-49.
Murphy, J. & Humphries, A. G. (2021) His Memory has Misled Him? Two Supposed Errors in Adam Smith’s Theory of Moral Sentiments.” Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization, 184, 771-780.
Humphries, A.G. (2020). Tocquevillian Educatio
Klein, D. B., & Humphries, A. G. (2019). Foreword and Supplement to “Adam Smith’s Library: General Check-List and Index.” ECON JOURNAL WATCH, 16(2), 374–474.